Here to Support

Your Coaching Business

Focus on your zone of genius by placing business management responsibilities in our team's capable hands.

About Us

Hi, my name is Tarek Fattal and I'm the founder and managing director of TAF Business Solutions.

Originally I am a computer engineer and I worked as a project manager for global organizations across multiple continents for nearly ten years.

I became involved in self-development through Bob Proctor's legendary Thinking Into Results program, and after experiencing the profound impact my mentor had on my life, I decided to put my project management skills to great use and help coaches worldwide build their businesses and influence seamlessly.

Whether you need someone to take care of small distracting tasks in your business or would love someone to take complete charge and manage your business entirely, you're in the perfect place.

As an Online Business Manager (OBM), I look after your business operations, manage your projects and delegate your team, so that all you have to do is show up and do what you do best.

If you're new in business or don't have a team yet, our wonderful TAF team can help you set up and run your coaching business by executing all necessary tasks that generate leads and build your authority.

In all cases, our goal is to lift the weight of managing your business off your shoulders so that you can focus on your zone of genius and enhance lives around the globe.

We offer various packages, retainers, and partnerships to suit different business goals, needs, and sizes.

Book a consultation today and let's find the perfect solution for YOU!

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